Twenty Interesting Facts About…Rosie the Riveter
By Heather Sanders Meredith chose to dress as “Rosie the Riveter” for our church’s Wednesday evening “Blast from the Past” theme. It was so much fun pulling together all the different pieces of her...
View ArticleCommunity Question: 3rd & 6th Grade History and Science
Community Question is a category inspired by you. Here and there readers write in with questions that are better served by the varied, experiential knowledge of those who read and contribute in the...
View ArticleThe Act of Being Intentional
By Heather Sanders With our home on the market and a move imminent, the kids and I have spent a few afternoons taking stock of each and every item that we own, determining what we want to keep, give...
View ArticleCommunity Question: Learning Disabilities Programs
Community Question is a category inspired by you. Here and there readers write in with questions that are better served by the varied, experiential knowledge of those who read and contribute in the...
View ArticleSonlight’s (Elementary) Summer Readers Giveaway!
By Heather Sanders With all the back to school ad campaigns, sales, and preparation going on both online and off, it is hard to remember that IT IS STILL SUMMER. When I was a kid, I looked forward to...
View ArticleArchives Shmarchives
By Heather Sanders With our impending move, I chose to pursue the mindset of storing only those things that are necessary (tax records, curricula), seasonal (Christmas ornaments, coats), or...
View ArticleCommunity Question: “No Facts” Approach
Community Question is a category inspired by you. Here and there readers write in with questions that are better served by the varied, experiential knowledge of those who read and contribute in the...
View ArticleCommunity Question: U.S. President Readers?
Community Question is a category inspired by you. Here and there readers write in with questions that are better served by the varied, experiential knowledge of those who read and contribute in the...
View ArticleThe Art Game Review & Giveaway (WINNERS ANNOUNCED!)
By Heather Sanders ************ THE 8 WINNERS OF “THE ART GAME REVIEW & GIVEAWAY” ARE: Emilie (Comment #19) Sue LW (Comment #618) debby spivey (Comment #174) Lisa B (Comment #205) Sara (Comment...
View ArticleCommunity Question: Interruptions
Community Question is a category inspired by you. Here and there readers write in with questions that are better served by the varied, experiential knowledge of those who read and contribute in the...
View ArticleBig GEOGRAPHY Quiz: Thursday Night!
It’s been awhile since the last one, so tomorrow night I’m having another Big, Bad Geography Quiz focusing on North America and Europe! Here are the details: WHAT: Big, Bad Geography Quiz (North...
View ArticleBig, Bad Geography Quiz: Enter Now! (UPDATE)
NOTE: Because of the heavy rain in Oklahoma this evening, I have been unable to get on the backend of the quiz long enough to determine winners and post the results! Will keep trying, but it’s possible...
View ArticleGEOGRAPHY Answers and Winners!
Note: I apologize for the delay in posting this announcement. We had heavy rains in Oklahoma last night and I wasn’t able to stay on the internet long enough to get all the information I needed. Thanks...
View ArticleChange
By Heather Sanders Change is hard, whether expected or not; it involves stepping outside of one’s comfort zone–sometimes into the unknown–and accepting a new normal. That is where we are right now;...
View ArticleCommunity Question: Learning Styles?
Community Question is a category inspired by you. Here and there readers write in with questions that are better served by the varied, experiential knowledge of those who read and contribute in the...
View ArticleFirst Day of School – Over and Out!
By Heather Sanders While it may appear as though I took this photo in the morning, I snapped it around 2:00 pm, after checking on a load of laundry. Kenny had finished up his first school day’s worth...
View ArticleAlgebra, in PEN, yo!
By Heather Sanders For the record, this is not the entirety of this problem. I realize my mistake in subtracting 1 from 1000 and getting 99 (We had been working with 1 from 100 for a while and I was...
View ArticleCommunity Question: Springboard Math Supplement?
Community Question is a category inspired by you. Here and there readers write in with questions that are better served by the varied, experiential knowledge of those who read and contribute in the...
View ArticleBenefit or Detriment: Teaching from a Place of Weakness
By Heather Sanders I have made it no secret through the years that upper-level Math is my area of weakness in education. In high school and college, without additional teacher assistance and tutoring,...
View ArticleInvesting in Recess
By Heather Sanders I have a confession to make. In years past, when I assigned budget monies to homeschool curriculum, supplies and field trips, I have NOT ONCE thought to allot a budget for recess....
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