Community Question is a category inspired by you. Here and there readers write in with questions that are better served by the varied, experiential knowledge of those who read and contribute in the comments. Please respond to this post in the comments, but if you have a question for the community email it to Heather.
The following question is from Marna.
“I have been a homeschooling mom for the last 16 years. My youngest is going to start Community College (as a Junior in High School) next year, and this is my very last year of homeschooling. I homeschooled both of my children (even when they were less than enthusiastic) all the way through in some form or another. I have enjoyed every second of the ride, and am feeling the first pangs of sadness because my journey is coming to a close.
How have other moms coped with the end of an AMAZING era in their lives?”